The LAST word on the Stanford Experiments

Well, not really.  I'm guilty of sensational headlines.  But this is the latest word.

Just like the marshmallow experiments that we've been citing for years, the exaggerated conclusions for the Stanford Prison experiments are more or less debunked. I'm glad.  Human behavior is far, far more complex than an experiment.  Thank heavens.  Read literature; get some friends; be involved in community.  That might teach you more about humanity.

Watched Brigadoon for the first time last night. As a person whose DNA is at least 50% Scottish, all I can say is that no self-respecting Scot would dress or dance like that. We are a tough breed who built this country. But there's a good line in it:

Gene Kelly:  It's hot in here (a crowded bar).
Van Johnson:  It's not the heat, it's the humanity.

Oh, so true!


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