
As part of my (almost former) job as TLC Coordinator, I have led a number of book discussions. We have read over the past three years:
Ken Bain, What the Best College Teachers Do
Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on College Campuses
bell hooks, Teaching to Transgress
Gabe Lyon, UnChristian
Rebekah Nathan, My Freshman Year
MaryEllen Weimer, Learner-Centered Teaching
Dee Fink, Creating Significant Learning Experiences
Jean Twenge, Generation Me
Kathleen Gabriel, Teaching Unprepared Students
P. M. Forni, Civility books
John Bean, Engaging Ideas
Rebecca Cox, The College Fear Factor

We read two other books that were only tangentially related to teaching and learning.

Would I recommend some of these books over others? Yes. bell hooks is interesting but unpractical. Generation Me is depressing. The College Fear Factor, Teaching Unprepared Students, and some of the learning-centered books are practical for those who teach in open-access. Bain's book is one of the best but almost all his examples are from elite institutions. Gabe Lyon's book is a religious version of Generation Me.


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