Reminder we all need

This is a link to a Harvard Business Review article (quite short) on being uncomfortable and even squeamish when learning something new.  We who consider ourselves "experts"--and I think all academics do--need to be reminded of what it likes to be a novice, or new at learning.  

He uses the word "shame," as one of the emotions. While I understand what he means, I cringe at that word. Shame to me always implies moral failure that makes one, or makes one feel, less than human or equal or worthy or enough. 

Spiritually, we are not enough. Grace is needed--by everyone--and therefore shame doesn't belong, but guilt does. Shame is something we are taught and inflicted with. 

Guilt, now that's a different matter. One of the best books I have read on this was not really a book on shame but on cross-cultural communication of the gospel: The 3-D Gospel:: Ministry in Guilt, Shame, and Fear Cultures



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