It's Never Too Late to Interrogate

 I was trying to rhyme with that title but didn't quite get it. 

In a training/development session for our version of first-year experience on Friday, I talked about how I planned to not start "by hitting the ground running." 

I always do that. No time to waste, I front load the class, I'm not going to spend time easing into it, just go, go, go.  The only rule is work. 

And in my most recent failure in teaching the course, it didn't work. They were overwhelmed and never caught up. 

So I will take it easier and work up to what we will do, not cutting out, but remembering less is more.  

And that might just work for other classes.  I am interrogating all the time. The phrase comes from a more progressive source that I would ascribe to, but I like the concept.  Ask questions. Live the questions. 


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