Yesterday I spoke at a conference (very good one!) on Faculty Creation of Open Educational R e sources because a colleague and I wrote a textbook for a basic public speaking course. I will be posting about it and my talk in the future (working on lengthy article which I'll post in parts) but I wanted to post this list of references for those who need help with the question of research that has been done on student satisfaction, faculty satisfaction, and achievement of learning outcomes with open educational resources. • Azevedo , A. (2013, February 1). Pay nothing? Easier said than done. Chronicle of Higher Education, 59 (21), A18-A19 . • Allen, G., Guzman-Alvarez, A., Smith, A., Gamage , A., Molinaro , M., & Larsen, D. S. (2015). Evaluating the effectiveness of the open-access ChemWiki resource as a replacement for traditional general chemistry textbooks. Chemistry Education Research And Practice , 16 (4), 939 . • Allen, I....