QEP: Writing

A friend who is leading the QEP at another college sent me a somewhat desperate email the other day about how were we doing the writing of the QEP?  Well, this is what I told her. 

We didn't start writing until the whole thing was hashed out. We're still hashing a bit, but the main points are done. 

We split into four subcommittees to do the sections:  Introduction/Rationale/Objectives/Student Learning OUtcomes + Lit review on best practices + Actual Plan and Budget + Assessment.  The Editor is doing the executive summary and we are all responsible for the references.  I did not want any one person to do all the writing; on top of that, we have a lot of English faculty on the team, and we are supposed to be decent writers.  

I want to get the first draft to the liaison early--within a month from now.  I despise procrastination. 

I wrote a big section of it (the first one) to get the rest of them inspired and started (I'm being facetious on the inspired part.  QEP does not engender inspirational emotions.)  I write--it's what I do best, so it was fun for me but that's pretty strange, I realize.


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