A New Theatrical Experience - The Vagina Monologues
Well. In recognition of Domestic Violence Month, some of my communication faculty got together and performed readings of The Vagina Monologues. As the chair, I was obligated to go, but it was a profitable, if not enjoyable experience. It caused me to go watch some of them on YouTube actually performed by Eve Ensler. I have since learned performing these pieces is an annual event at many colleges and universities. I found them . . . .let's just say, raw. I cringed a lot, although I also laughed against my will, especially at the angry vagina one. It was performed in a very dry manner by an older faculty member and the foul language was incongruous to her. But there's a difference between laughing because it's shocking and laughing because it's funny (it was both). The one about rape victims in Bosnia had the most impact. Rape as a weapon of war is so prevalent, and the most recent recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize is a doctor who works with these victims, since t...