The Mental Health Crisis and College Teaching
Caveat: I am not an expert on this issue in terms of credentialing. I am an "experiential," on-the-ground semi-expert on the subject of dealing with college students with mental health problems as a faculty member and lower-level administrator. Second caveat: I have no quantitative data that I have generated myself. There is plenty of that available if you look for it, and you will not have to look very long. I read (parts of) Jean Twenge's book IGEN , and now Jonathan Haidt has a book out on the same subject (which I am tempted to think he borrowed from Twenge's work; I heard him cite her on a podcast). So the stats about 60% of young women being depressed and how much the female suicide rate has gone up are well reported. Third caveat: I cannot, obviously, give details or examples from my experience, so any I do allude to will be vague. Beyond the caveats: I am a department chair in the liberal arts unit of my college. My department has the distinction o...