
Showing posts from November, 2023

Rage Against the Machine: Fighting AI Generated Text in College Teaching

I am not giving in. I have gotten the impression I am supposed to. Not directly, but subtly. But I won't. I will retire before I have to let students submit AI generated assignments, passing them off as their writing and original work.  Forgive the Fox News reference, but this is funny, sad, and informative:  Point: AI gets it wrong. Really wrong.  I have had a number of students try to pass off AI generated text (I don't call it writing--that is a human act, more on that below), and they do it in two ways:  Wholesale, in that they don't bother to edit or even look at what has been generated; they just put it in a Word document, label it their appropriate assignment, and submit, thinking I am too stupid to notice that 1. It doesn't address the assignment or prompt, 2. It reads blandly and inhumanely, 3. It has wo...