In Defense of Lecturing, Part III
I have posted two blogs on Defense of Lecturing. Now I will take the other side of the argument—an expose or attack on lecturing. First, lecturing can be lazy. Not in the sense that it doesn’t take a lot out of you and there isn’t any energy expended. On the contrary, lecturing take a lot of physical effort, especially the way some of us do it. I am quite active and animated. I am known for it. But I also tell my students that I could lecture in my sleep. That’s an exaggeration, but not really. I have given some of the lectures hundreds of times, at least. It is human nature to default to the easy, and sometimes I cherish and look forward to those day when I get to go in, give that lecture I know backwards and forwards, for which I have all the jokes and stories and timing down, and that I know is pretty effective and clear. It gives me comfort, in a sense. “I can do this. They like me, I’m ...